Organic: Myth or Fact

Sunday, February 27, 2011
Myth: Organic food is too expensive.
Fact: Yes, typically organic foods are pricier than conventional foods. This is due to the more laborious efforts behind the smaller farmers. But, there are websites like this which provide people with tips on how to buy organic within a budget. There are things to consider about:

  • Unlike conventional farmers, organic farmers do not receive federal subsidies. This means that organic food is priced at the actual cost needed to grow and manufacture.
  • Organic farming is more time, labor, and management sensitive.
  • Conventional food prices do not account for natural disasters which are covered by tax payments for conventional food.
Myth: Organic food is the same as natural food.
Fact: For food item to be considered natural means that the item does not have additives or preservatives. However, the natural food can contain GMO's or were grown with pesticides. Therefore, natural foods are somewhat more economical than organic foods. This still places organic food as the best decision a person can make for their body.

Myth: Organic food tastes like cardboard.
Fact: At the beginning of the boom in the organic food industry, there may have been merit to this statement. Nowadays, organic distributors have mastered foods to taste just as good, if not better than their conventional counterparts. Try an experiment at home: make two batches of cookies; one with organic ingredients and one with conventional and see the difference (: (we may do this as a little experiment in class).

Try Organic!


Photo courtesy of Skycladd


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