Is Organic Appetizing?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011
In my house I found two different bunches of bananas. Both were purchased from the same Publix on the same date but they varied greatly in their color and size. The smaller bananas had a much more yellow color while the larger ones were significantly darker. One bunch is organic and the other is not. I immediately thought that the smaller ones were organic because of their size and appearance. They seemed much more appetizing. But to my surprise, it was the larger, browner bananas that were organically grown. This brought about many questions: Are bananas REALLY naturally that size? Why do the non-organic bananas look so much different? Do they taste differently too? Personally, if I was given the choice between the two I would have to go against the organic. What about you?
-Katani Ostine-Franklin


EatBuyBeLocal at: February 16, 2011 at 8:45 AM said...

I wonder why they would alter the bananas to be smaller...I always thought that the smaller ones were more natural too!

Jan at: February 16, 2011 at 6:56 PM said...

True! I've encountered this at Trader Joe's...I grab the little ones, thinking they're organic, and they're not!

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